Tristan du Puy

I am a sixth-year PhD Candidate in Sustainable Development at Columbia University, and a Research Fellow at the Columbia Center for Political Economy.

My research stands at the intersection of environmental economics and empirical industrial organization, with a focus on firm dynamics and relations between productivity and sustainability.

Prior to joining Columbia, I earned master degrees in Quantitative Economics from the Paris School of Economics, and in International Relations from Sciences-Po - Paris, as well as bachelor degrees in Political Sciences (Sciences-Po), Law (Paris 1 - Sorbonne), Philosophy (Paris 10 - Nanterre), and studied Pure Mathematics for three years at Paris 6 - UPMC.

I visited Mathias Reynaert at the Toulouse School of Economics in fall 2023.

I also worked for a public policy consulting cabinet in Brussels, Belgium - specifically on European Union policy for the year 2013-2014, and worked one semester for the French Treasury’s office within the French Embassy in Bucharest, Romania.

I am on the 2024-2025 academic job market.

Tristan du Puy

I am a sixth-year PhD Candidate in Sustainable Development at Columbia University, and a Research Fellow at the Columbia Center for Political Economy.

My research stands at the intersection of environmental economics and empirical industrial organization, with a focus on firm dynamics and relations between productivity and sustainability.

Prior to joining Columbia, I earned master degrees in Quantitative Economics from the Paris School of Economics, and in International Relations from Sciences-Po - Paris, as well as bachelor degrees in Political Sciences (Sciences-Po), Law (Paris 1 - Sorbonne), Philosophy (Paris 10 - Nanterre), and studied Pure Mathematics for three years at Paris 6 - UPMC.

I visited Mathias Reynaert at the Toulouse School of Economics in fall 2023.

I also worked for a public policy consulting cabinet in Brussels, Belgium - specifically on European Union policy for the year 2013-2014, and worked one semester for the French Treasury’s office within the French Embassy in Bucharest, Romania.

I am on the 2024-2025 academic job market.